歡迎光臨 HoHo Shop 可可店
網店購買可以先選擇 "Store Pickup" 之後我們會聯絡閣下付款及交收方法,謝謝
單次購物滿正價$300-$500,加$10包順豐本地送貨 (只限順豐站/智能櫃)
單次購物滿正價$500以上,免費包順豐本地送貨 (只限順豐站/智能櫃)
特大/特重件, 特價及預訂貨物不包括以上免運優惠之內
如何購買 How to buy
1. 瀏覽網頁, 把所選貨品加入購物籃, 選購完畢後在網頁右上方按購物車進入你的購物籃, 網頁將顯示總金額, 按”VIEW CART”
2. 回顧購物籃, 右下方選擇地區之後按 "Checkout"
2. 按網頁指示填上閣下的聯絡資料及其他, 按”place order”
3. 我們將儘快經電郵/電話與閣下聯絡安排付款及交收事宜
4. 買家可選擇以下交收途徑
- 直接到可可店交收
- 郵寄 (需要另付郵費, 此郵費並不包括在網頁內顯示的總金額)
5. 歡迎海外買家使用paypal付款, paypal手續費為總金額的5%
How to buy through Hoho Shop website?
Browse through the website and put your selected products in your cart, after finished, press upper right corner icon to enter your cart, it will show the total amount, press “Checkout”
Review your cart, choose the destination and press “Checkout”
Fill in the required contact information and others, press “place order”
We will contact you shortly via email/phone for payment arrangement and delivery
Buyer may choose the following delivery channel:-
- Purchase directly in Hoho shop
- By postage (buyer need to pay the postage fee, which is excluded from total amount shown in your cart)
We welcome paypal from overseas buyer, the handling charge is 5% on total price